After securing a contract with the General Services Administration, Girl on the Roof was hired by the United States Department of Education in 2016 to provide graphic design assistance on-demand, sometimes on very short timeframes. The relationship continued through administration changes. Here are a few projects that Girl on the Roof has completed for the Department of Education (ED).
Digital graphics to accompany Livestream speeches by the U.S. Secretary of Education in 2016
Layout of the annual College Promise Playbook, an informational memo on corporal punishment
Layout of the Department’s exit memo to the White House during the transition from the Obama administration to the Trump administration
Copywriting/editing (in English and Spanish) and design services for Graduáte (A College Planning Guide to Success, part of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics)
Design of print ads and social media graphics associated with college fraud awareness
Design of countless social media graphics for campaigns including but not limited to:
teacher appreciation
education tours
statistics and trends related to education
back-to-school performance statistics
Design of multiple email mastheads
Layout of a colorful, engaging layout for the parent guide to school report cards
Design of Education Freedom Scholarship logo and accompanying marketing tools
Layout of multiple reports related to
Layout of the COVID-19 Handbook for Higher Education
Animated video highlighting Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Layout of the HEA Report (Institutional Compliance with Section 117 of the Higher Education Act of 1965) — redacted and unredacted versions
Layout of a series of informational documents about school choice
Examples of social media graphics:
Animated video explaining the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):
Pages from the ESSA report card:
Pages from the COVID-19 Handbook:
"We've been working with Girl on the Roof for several years, and they consistently exceed our expectations - always able to deliver high quality, creative, and outstanding results with exceptionally fast turnaround. They are, to the core, great communicators, and always know the right questions to ask and the right considerations to make. Every time I feel that a project will be complicated or hard to achieve our desired results, they blow me away with how easily they are able to get from our vague and complicated requirements to a great finished product. They've set the bar very high!!" – Sally Harris, U.S. Department of Education
"Girl on the Roof is phenomenal! They are kind and funny and care deeply for the work we do. They have been responsive to our many requests – often at the last minute, and they deliver a quality product. I’m grateful the U.S. Department of Education found GotR and recommend them to as many people as I can." – Joe Portnoy, Creative Director of the U.S. Department of Education