Girl on the Roof is a full-service strategic marketing firm, not just an advertising agency or design shop. Because we aim to generate measurable results with the beautiful tools we create, everything we do is based on sound strategic thinking and a keen awareness of audience insights. We believe that achieving optimal results requires doing the right things in the right order.
why, how, what
name and taglines
logo design
crafting the ask
Shout-worthy messages always start with the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of your organization. Why do you exist? How do you uniquely approach that purpose? What products or services do you provide? These statements form the foundation of your positioning.
Well crafted positioning statements tend to birth their own taglines, and those taglines often evoke imagery that informs the design of a logo package. All of these elements work together to form your brand... your identity... the unique experience that your organization provides.
strategic planning
brand audits
perception studies
audience insights
the Big Ideas
Although marketing is only one of several elements of a strategic plan, a strategic plan should chart the course for all of an organization’s marketing initiatives. So that's where we start. If you have a strategic plan, great! We'll use it. If you don't, we will help you develop one using a customized process that fits your organization.
Brand audits and perception studies are great tools to evaluate the current reality of your brand (the good, the bad, and the ugly) so we can build upon what's working and adjust what isn't.
Audience insights provide a deep dive into the psyche of the people you want to inspire, from Marcus Millennial to Paula Professional. We uncover their values, their challenges, their motivations, their information sources, their decision-making criteria... so we can reach them where they are and inspire them to action.
copywriting & editing
graphic design
website design & SEO
video production
ad campaigns and more
This is where things get really fun, not just because we Roofers create beautiful tools, but because those beautiful tools generate real results...
Like that time we doubled enrollment for a university through our SEO efforts.
And when a $400 digital campaign we managed for a client generated $72,000 in incremental revenue.
And when a Google Ads campaign for a small business quadrupled their client load.
And when the interactive giving matrix we created for a nonprofit provided an 1,800% return on their investment.
And when the implementation strategies and tools we developed for a technology company resulted in a 12-fold increase in the adoption rate of their product.
Yeah, like that.
marketing plans
social media plans
media calendars
budgeting + timelines
resource maximization
A marketing plan is a roadmap that charts the course for your integrated marketing efforts. With a plan in mind, your efforts are proactive instead of reactive, which means they are more deliberate, more cohesive, more cost effective, and more likely to generate results.
Marketing plans have the added benefit of ensuring you never have to start from a blank sheet of paper (because that can be tough, especially on Mondays). Want to know what to post on social media today? Look at your plan and your media calendar. It's right there.